All you want to do for this winter is making sure your feline friends feel safe and warm outside when it’s going to be so cold this year. Making an outdoor cat house may seem like a hassle at first, but your dear kitty just can’t stop getting outside. So, you must do something about it. And that’s what brings many of you to this piece of writing.
Some of us also have stray and feral cats hanging around our house. And seeing them suffering in winter cold might not be what you as a cat parent would like to choose. That’s another reason why the whole outdoor cat house thing becomes even useful.
Well don’t worry, we have sorted some easy plans on how to make an outdoor cat house with simple ideas. Keep on Reading…
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Your cat child will be able to handout with its whole community outside once you build them a nice place to get together and feel warm enough in harsh cold of winter.

First Consider These Few Things:
When deciding about where to place the cat house, make sure it’s somewhere far from foot traffic and other animals. The feral creatures would need some safe feeling and so, you should think about a secure area for house’s placement.
You also need to put the house somewhere far away from wind. The community cats won’t like wind disturbing their snug and warm enjoying periods.
Buying a cat house for winter may be an option, but it’s going to cost you so much less with DIYing. Some common household materials are all it would take. You just need to make sure the end result comes with proper waterproofing and insulation.
Straws are great moisture repelling items for inside insulation. While with blanket and hay, you can get mold fears away as well.
Beneath the cat house, you need to add some support. So that the cats feel safe from snow or rain.
Also, the size of outdoor cat house needs your careful consideration. It can’t be too big, just enough space. Focus on the entrance specifically. It should not be too huge that even dogs and raccoons can make an easy entrance.
For areas that are too cold, some microwavable heat pads will work best. These usually get activated with weight.
Two Rubber Tires with Wooden Panels Make A Comfy Cat Home.
If you have a spare tire at home, then make use of it as a fantastic cat house for winter. The interior part of rubber tires can provide enough snugness and keep your cats warm as well. You will need a couple of these tires that comes with two huge holes for a simple entrance. Also, add some wooden panels on the side as well as tops. So that it can provide some steps for your furry friends.
Another way is by using two tiers but with an entrance on different sides. You add some legs to this house for keeping the underneath area away from getting wet. Add some wooden color or paint for making it look even better.
Wall Holding Cat House That Seems Like Floating.
This idea needs an unused old box as the top part. There will be a tiny window. The interior needs to be big enough for your cat. Maybe a litter box should fit inside along with some sleeping space and a food bowl. The house can be built on wall’s wooden platform. The idea is very minimalistic and easy to implement. Just make sure it looks put together with your own creativity.
Use an Old Wooden Pallet To Make an Easy Cat’s Hangout Place.
If you have an old wooden pallet then make use of it. Simply divide the pallet into two parts. On the bottom, you need to place a layer of hay. While for the top, a mattress will go best. For creating the roof, go with a metal sheet. Make sure to fit things nicely, for a sturdy roof. Then manage two holes at least on the bottom. So that kittens can easily access the house. And that’s pretty much it.
Cat Enclosure with Transparent Panels Is So Minimalistic But Useful.
And for this idea, you can imagine a greenhouse-like cat enclosure. There will be enough space inside for the kittens to roam freely. Use transparent panels to make this. A sturdy frame is also necessary. You need to attach the panels to this robust frame for creating house on very end of enclosure. A wooden bridge will also be included. Such plans works best for colder days to keep kittens dry as well as warm enough.
A Shelter of Styrofoam Is Surprisingly Good Enough.
This idea needs a huge Styrofoam box. You also require a cutter and some warm materials such as hay for filling it up. The very-easy-to-create cat house would have a couple of wooden beams beneath too. This will help box to stay above and so, the bottom area won’t get wet any time sooner. Pretty simple Styrofoam shelter that almost anyone can make for their feline friends.
A Pair of Buckets Is All It Takes.
You can use two buckets for creating a waterproof shelter as well. Just need to make a hole on one of the buckets. Also, make sure both the buckets are identical to each other. You need to use some nails or drilling for attaching both of these together. Then arrange a canopy for avoiding any rain splash into the shelter. And that’s it, a super simple feral cat’s outdoor house is ready.
Barrel & Plant Container Coming Together For a Comfy Idea.
For this project, you will need a plant pot as well as a reusable barrel. Simply combining these two will help you get a fantastic shelter for the cats. The barrel with its ample space can hold cats very comfortably. You just need to make a huge hole in it. so that half of the barrel can be filled with some warm layers. You can add a wooden platform too. This will work as the stair and a table for dining. The top portion can play the role of a planter.
Outdoor Speak: Having an outdoor cat house requires an outdoor faucet for easy maintenance. How do you fix one if it leaks? Read this post to find out — How To Fix A Leaky Outdoor Faucet.
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Wrap Up
And that was all about how to make an outdoor cat house using some common and easy to access materials. Make sure you also take into account the tips shared right at beginning of this piece of writing. Hopefully at least one of these seven ideas will make into your final choice of the outdoor cat house design.
And if not, then at least these can serve as an inspiration for the house plan that you probably would come up with your own unique creativity. I’m Sure You Can Think of That!